Integrated Report 2022

Together, mobilised for the safety of our staff and our contractors


Together, mobilised for the safety of our staff and our contractors

For GRTgaz, the safety of employees and contractors is a permanent and crucial objective. This priority is managed at the highest level of the company, by its CEO.


In terms of health and safety, the company’s goals are formalised in a detailed action plan: “Our collective safety and industrial safety ambitions”. This document highlights the main lessons learned from major events throughout the year. It identifies priority areas for the next two years and the corresponding actions.

2022 Frequency rate: 1.4
“Since the beginning of 2022, we have successfully reversed the trend seen in 2021 and 2020 in terms of safety. Our results are not down to chance – they are the result of everyone’s commitment, and I thank all our staff for their efforts.”
Thierry Trouvé, CEO of GRTgaz, introducing Safety Day 2022
“In 2022, every GRTgaz employee was focused on safety on our Safety Day. For the second year in a row, each team took a break from its activities to underline the vital importance of safety and think about how to work more safely.”
Antoine Olivier, deputy director of risk prevention and management