Integrated Report 2022

Together Mobilised For Energy Sobriety


Together Mobilised For Energy Sobriety

Interview with Christophe Delfeld, CSR director at GRTgaz

Christophe Delfeld: “We have committed ourselves both by encouraging consumers to reduce their consumption, via the Ecogaz programme, and by applying the same principles to ourselves. We are also signatories of RTE’s EcoWatt charter, which encourages us to monitor and reduce our own electricity consumption.

We put an energy performance plan in place over a decade ago as part of our ISO 50001 certification, with the aim of reducing consumption at compressor stations, our main consumers of gas and electricity.

We carry out simulations every day to help us configure our industrial production resources and minimise our energy consumption. We are convinced that energy sobriety is one of the key components of any climate strategy. Engaged on a low-carbon trajectory, we are fully committed to the government target of reducing energy consumption by 10% by 2023 relative to 2019. We have involved our employees in contributing to an action plan to reduce our tertiary consumption (buildings, digital technology, travel, etc.).

We see sobriety as a long-term trend for all businesses. Just like carbon, the issue will become a subject of business transformation. All the divisions of GRTgaz will have to question how they can integrate sobriety into their activities. 

GHG emissions and energy consumption, eco-design, resource preservation, waste and the circular economy, procurement and investment are all themes that businesses will have to address in the future through the lens of sobriety.”

Ecogaz provides daily information about the level of tension in the gas system with a colour code: 
  • Consumption level normal or below normal 
  • Consumption level slightly higher than normal 
  • Consumption level well above normal and/or tension in the network 
  • Launch of interruptibility provisions or load shedding for major industrial consumers 

If the signal is orange or red, Ecogaz will send an alert to consumers who have chosen to sign up (via email or SMS) to warn them and encourage them to reduce their consumption.

Over 100 partners committed to the Ecogaz charter