Integrated Report 2022

Together mobilised to reduce emissions in the value chain of the gas industry, our customers and our regions


Together mobilised to reduce emissions in the value chain of the gas industry, our customers and our regions

GRTgaz is strongly committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and is promoting the development of renewable and low-carbon gases including hydrogen, and their exploitation through the gas networks, as a replacement for natural gas. For several years now, GRTgaz has been developing its cooperation with technical operators and local authorities8 to help sustainable energy solutions to emerge.

8 Led by local authorities, but also including industrial companies, chambers of commerce, agricultural entities and training and research organisations.

Annual renewable gas production capacity connected to the networks in TWh per year* 2022 Targets 9 TWh 2030 Targets 60 TWh

* Pillar B of our climate strategy


At the end of 2021, GRTgaz created a hydrogen division to develop hydrogen transmission networks (which is currently an unregulated activity). During 2022, the division worked with industrial companies (producers or future consumers) within regional ecosystems. This approach led to the launch of five pilot projects to put the emergence of new gases in the regions on a concrete footing, in which GRTgaz is directly involved and ready to transport the hydrogen that will be produced.


1: DHune at the port of Dunkirk

2: Cross-border project with Belgium in the Valenciennes/Mons area

3: MosaHYc linking the Grand Est region of France with the German Saarland

4: RHYn (Rhine HYdrogen Network), in the area of Mulhouse

5: HYnframed in the Fos industrial zone and the surrounding area

“In 2022, we worked on structuring hydrogen ecosystems. We constructed projects alongside institutional stakeholders and potential customers in industrial areas.”
Anne Evrard, renewable gas and hydrogen project manager