Integrated Report 2022

Together, mobilised for the development of skills, diversity and quality of life at work for our employees


Together, mobilised for the development of skills, diversity and quality of life at work for our employees

GRTgaz is constantly confirming its overarching goal to promote the health of its employees, and more broadly their quality of life at work, by facilitating the development of skills and combating all forms of discrimination. Social dialogue is a crucial part of the company’s social policy, leading to the creation of new multi-location working arrangements and management methods promoting initiative, progress and innovation. Providing work-study opportunities is also a key part of ensuring the transmission of knowledge acquired by our employees, promoting the employment of young people and preparing for the future. All these initiatives strengthen the commitment of employees to the corporate purpose of the company and increase its attractiveness.

85.2% of employees trained
94 Gender equality index
6.90% Work/study programme rate

Interview with Jérôme Andrieu, unit manager, conduct IS and industrial IS in the IS division – CAP24 human project manager

In a few words, what is the CAP24 human project?

“We cannot succeed with our CAP24 transformation project without mobilising and supporting our teams. Our transformation project affects expectations in terms of skills, working methods, relationships, etc. The goal of the human project is to give managers and employees tools to help them in the transformation by putting in place nine schemes relating to skills, management, working methods and relationships.”

What was the focus of your work in 2022?

“We worked on all these schemes. We made significant progress on two of them this year: feedback, training 261 employees to receive and give feedback, and soft skills, with the development of tools to help teams make progress with their adoption and 300 self-assessments carried out by employees.”

In 2024, you will have succeeded if… 

“If we are able to work better together by developing our skills (technical and behavioural), initiatives and innovation, while developing the right to make mistakes and recognising everyone’s efforts.”