Integrated Report 2022

Together, mobilised to protect the environment


Together, mobilised to protect the environment

GRTgaz aims to reconcile the footprint and maintenance of its pipeline network, of which 6,000 km are located in protected natural areas, with the preservation and maintenance of ecosystems. The company uses differentiated management for part of its easements9, maintained without the use of pesticides, mainly located in sensitive natural areas. It also works to find alternative solutions to the use of pesticides for the maintenance of its industrial sites.

For all projects involving the construction or modification of infrastructure, GRTgaz follows the “Avoid, reduce, compensate” approach, applying avoidance measures to the extent possible and reduction and compensation measures otherwise.

GRTgaz is continuing its commitment to environmental conservation with its voluntary initiatives related to management of waste from its industrial and tertiary sector activities.

9 Strips of grassland above pipelines.

69.5% of sites converted to the use of alternatives to synthetic pesticides
“In 2022, we mobilised the whole GRTgaz staff (including the operational teams) at three open awareness-raising sessions about how we can maintain our industrial sites without the use of pesticides. The goal of these events was to familiarise employees with the zero-pesticide approach. During the sessions, a catalogue of the best techniques available for the purpose was presented and circulated widely.”
Danièle Hachemin, Seine valley deputy operations manager, operations division