5 new partnerships related to decarbonization

5 new partnerships related to decarbonization

2023 was marked by ever-growing expectations from customers in terms of decarbonization, strengthened further by the energy crisis associated with geopolitical conflict, the rising costs of energy and stricter energy requirements for industry players relating to the energy transition.

Five new partnerships were launched and placed on a concrete footing this year through calls for proposals, including three linked to ZIBaCs (low‑carbon industrial zones) in which GRTgaz is deeply involved:

  • the launch of the Ch0C demonstrator, the low-carbon boiler for decarbonising industries using steam and hot water,
  • the creation of a guide to the Biomethane Purchase Agreement (BPA) mechanism in partnership with Osiris,
  • creating a seven-member association, COB 30, offering industrial companies in the Chalampé industrial zone in Haut‑Rhin a framework for working together on a decarbonisation trajectory,
  • launching a study on the capture, transport and storage of CO2 in the industrial emissions from the industrial port zone of Fos via the SYRIUS programme, conducting studies on the decarbonisation of the Dunkirk industrial port platform

GRTgaz also continued to keep its customers informed throughout the year about industrial decarbonisation issues via six webinars, available for customers to watch on the GRTgaz website.

To find out more

To access the guide and view the associated webinar presentation