Energy sobriety at GRTgaz

Energy sobriety at GRTgaz 

In 2022, in the context of the energy crisis accelerated by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, GRTgaz launched its Energy Sobriety Plan with the aim of achieving a 10% reduction in energy consumption relative to 2019. This figure is in line with government targets and with the EcoWatt Charter on electricity consumption, which GRTgaz has signed.

The results from this first year of EcoWatt’s application are very encouraging. Energy consumption for heating fell by an average of 14% between 2022 and 2023 at GRTgaz’s main sites. Work has been undertaken to improve data collection on energy consumption in order to refine measurements and manage the actions taken more closely. 

At GRTgaz, energy sobriety can be broken down into 3 areas, based on 2 types of action

  RECURRING ACTIONS URGENT ACTIONSIn the event of an EcoWatt orange or red alert
Tertiary consumption (buildings, fleet and travel)
  • Defining temperature thresholds for heating (19°C in winter) and air conditioning (26°C in summer)
  • Limiting lighting and hot water production

Postponing consumption, limiting working areas to the spaces that are occupied, working from home, switching off all unused equipment etc.

Industrial consumption
  • Energy Performance Plan and continuous improvement in the context of ISO 50001 certification
  • Actions targeted at compressor machinery

Limiting the use of electric compression in winter (to the extent allowed by our public service missions)

Employee engagement

Online surveys, soGaz articles, webinars, employee associations

Communicating orange and red alerts internally and reminding about ecofriendly practices

GRTgaz continued its commitment to energy sobriety in 2023 by renewing the Ecogaz programme for a second year, including the 2023–2024 winter period.

Ecogaz is now recognised as an essential tool in the movement towards gas energy sobriety. The report “Accelerating and sustaining energy sobriety in tertiary buildings”, published by Ademe and pilot organisations in the building sector, recommends that companies register with the alert system and sign the Ecogaz Charter.

Ecogaz provides daily information about the level of tension in the gas system with a colour code: 
  • Consumption level normal or below normal
  • Consumption level slightly higher than normal
  • Consumption level well above normal and/or tension in the network
  • Launch of interruptibility provisions or load shedding for major industrial consumers

If the signal is orange or red, Ecogaz will send an alert to consumers who have chosen to sign up (via email or SMS) to warn them and encourage them to reduce their consumption.