Studies on the resilience of GRTgaz’s installations

Studies on the resilience of GRTgaz’s installations

Between 2022 and 2023, GRTgaz conducted several studies of the risks associated with climate change (physical risks) likely to affect its installations. Following an analysis of the scenarios proposed, one study concluded that, if a major weather event were to occur, the GRTgaz infrastructure (underground pipes and surface installations, including compressor stations) is resilient overall and that industrial security remains assured, together with continuity of supply.

In 2022, two scenarios had been identified by GRTgaz as the most potentially harmful: flooding/ intense rainfall at certain river crossings, and drought, giving rise to forest fires, for several of the company’s compressor and interconnection stations. An action plan put in place in 2023 identified in more detail the installations likely to be affected and the longterm resources that could respond to this type of risk.
This year, GRTgaz teams analysed a third risk scenario relating to landslips, identifying the areas at risk in terms of GRTgaz pipelines and other assets. This work on the areas at risk will be continued and extended.