97.3% of customer satisfied

97.3% of customer satisfied 

Continuity of gas transmission is at the heart of the public service missions of GRTgaz. The Covid-19 pandemic, recent weather events and the international context have highlighted the importance of the continuity of our activities for our stakeholders. 

The customer satisfaction rate for GRTgaz services in 2023 was 97.3%, higher than in 2022 and significantly higher than the target of 90%, thanks to the mobilisation of GRTgaz’s different divisions to address its customers’ priorities.

All six sections of the index were higher. Greater participation by biomethane producers is to be welcomed this year. These results strengthen GRTgaz’s efforts in favour of the energy transition, particularly for consumer customers.

To find out more

Access the 2023 customer satisfaction barometer

This diagram shows the overall customer and repair satisfaction rate: 97.3%.  Overall image: 98.8%, Commercial relations: 97.6%, Good conduct: 96.8%, Information system: 93.9%, Networks and works: 97.3%, Offer and services: 99.4%.