The "New Gases" in the spotlight on the Gas in Focus !
What new features in the 2020 edition?
For its 9th edition, Gas in Focus publishes new indicators to highlight renewable gases. Thanks to their complementarity with other energy carriers and the multiplication of synergies between networks, natural gas and renewable gases occupy a central place in the energy transition.
In this new edition, you will be able to discover the potential of pyrogasification and hydrothermal gasification in France and in Europe. And since NGV is already a reality in our daily lives, you will find indicators on NGV in the Uses section.
Gas in Focus 2020 and indicators: Infrastructures, Uses, New gas, Markets, Supply, Memos
Gas in Focus briefly
Born in 2012, from the partnership between GRTgaz and Sia Partners, Gas in Focus is positioned as the reference guide, bringing together the main indicators for a better understanding of developments on the European gas market. Gas in Focus shares consolidated and reliable information through quantified indicators and educational focuses, for professionals and all stakeholders who want to understand the energy market, and in particular the gas market.