Governance that supports GRTgaz’s commitments

Vindecy compressor station - Photo: Pierre Olivier

GRTgaz aims to promote agile governance in an increasingly complex energy environment. Its Management Committee, renewed in 2018, oversees the strategic goals linked to transformation and performance, in keeping with the guidance shared with its Board of Directors. The company also retains a permanent link to civil society via the expertise of its Stakeholder Council (CPP), supporting the full range of ongoing relations with its various component groups.

Governance is based on three key bodies

GRTgaz is a French "société anonyme" - the equivalent of a public limited company. It is 60.8% owned by Engie, 38.6% by Société d'Infrastructures Gazières (a public consortium made up of CNP Assurances and Caisse des Dépôts) and 0.6% by the company's employees.

Composition of the Board of Directors

As of 25 January 2024

The Board of Directors has 17 members, 8 of which are women.

14 Board Members are appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders including :

  • 9 representatives of the Engie group:
    Mme Sandra ROCHE-VU QUANG
    Chair of the Board of Directors

    Ms Marie CARLO - Representative of COGAC
    Ms Cécile PRÉVIEU - Representative of ENGIE
    Mr Pierre CHAMBON - Representative of ENGIE Home Performance
    Mr Edouard SAUVAGE - Representative of ENGIE New Ventures
    Mr Alain DELAVA - Representative of GDF International
    Ms Raphaëlle CASTILLON - Representative of GDF SUEZ Infrastructures
    Ms Hélène VERBOCKHAVEN - Representative of SFIG
    Ms Delphine BERG - Representative of SPERANS
  • 4 representatives of Société d’Infrastructures Gazières:
    Ms Anne-Claire BERLIER DE VAUPLANE – Member of the Board
    Mr Gautier CHATELUS – Member of the Board
    Mr Olivier MAREUSE - Member of the Board
    Mr Dimitri SPOLIANSKY – Member of the Board
  • 1 independent director:
    Mr Michel DESTOT - Independent Member of the Board
  • 3 Board Members representing employees:
    Also present at meetings of the Board of Directors, but without voting rights, are: a Commissioner from the French government, the CEO of GRTgaz, a representative from the Central Works Council, and the Compliance Officer (Article L.111 -34 of the French Energy Code).

    Ms Gaëlle CABUT - Board Member representing employees
    Mr Vincent de LAHARPE - Board Member representing employees 
    Mr Ludovic STEIN - Board Member representing employees

Permanent observers, without voting rights

Mr Alexandre CHEVALLIER - Government Commissioner
Mr Pascal MICHAUD - Representative of CSEC
Ms Sandrine MEUNIER - CEO of GRTgaz
Mr Christophe POILLION - Compliance Officer

The Board of Directors is assisted by three consultant committees:

  • The Audit & Investment Committee: 
    The Audit & Investment Committee ensures the relevance of accounting methods, examines and formulates an opinion on the accounts and financial plans. It assesses the effectiveness and quality of internal control with regard to the risks identified. It also studies investment policy and gives an overall opinion on investment plans.
  • The CSR Committee:
    The CSR Committee issues recommendations on the implementation of the corporate social responsibility purpose and policy.
  • The Remuneration and Selection Committee:
    The Remuneration and Selection Committee examines and formulates an opinion on the remuneration of directors and the Chief Executive Officer as well as on applications for these mandates.

The Management Committee takes decisions and arbitrates on strategic issues facing the company.

  • Directorate General - Sandrine Meunier, Pierre Duvieusart
  • Deputy director, Finance, CSR and Purchasing - Franck Wintenberger
  • Director of Industrial Assets - Anne-Sophie Decaux
  • Director of development - Anthony Mazzenga
  • Director of the Operations - Benoit Pouzieux
  • General secretariat - Adeline Duterque
  • Director of Human Resources (DHR) - Stéphanie Guillerand
  • Commercial Director and Network Optimization - Pierre Cotin
  • Director of information system - Hervé Constant

organizational chart :

GRTgaz organizational chart

As of April 2024

Pursuant to Law No. 2021-1774 of December 24, 2021 aimed at accelerating economic and professional equality and its implementing decree Decree No. 2022-680 of April 26, 2022 relating to measures aimed at ensuring a balanced distribution of each gender among senior executives and members of governing bodies As of April 26, 2022, in 2023 at GRTgaz, women represented 30% of members of the executive committee and among senior executives, 23.1% are women. (last update: February 2024)

The Stakeholders Council brings together a panel of personalities from diverse backgrounds, representative of GRTgaz stakeholder issues: industry, agricultural sector, renewable gas and hydrogen sectors, NGOs, environmental and biodiversity specialists, innovation experts, socio-economic developments and energy saving.

This Council meets twice or thrice per year in the presence of the CEO, the Secretary General, and the Head of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of GRTgaz.

It offers civic insight into GRTgaz’s development outlook, its core purpose, as well as strategic questioning and insight from stakeholders on the development prospects of GRTgaz, its reason for being, and the exercise of its social responsibility.

Composition of the stakeholder council (since November 2023):

  • Sébastien BOURDIN - Professor of Economic Geography in the EM Normandie Business School
  • Christian COUTURIER - Director of SOLAGRO, administrator of NEGAWATT
  • Pierre HIRTZBERGER - CEO of the services techniques du SYCTOM
  • Alain LEBOEUF - President of the Conseil départemental de Vendée
  • Marine LE LAN - Member of the Collective Pour un Réveil écologique
  • Angélique LONGERAY - VP Business Area France of SOMFY
  • Hervé LUCAS - CEO of the CVE (Changeons notre Vision de l’Energie)
  • Aurélie PICART - General representative – Sector Strategic Committee - Nouveaux Systèmes Energétiques
  • Brune POIRSON - CEO of the Développement Durable du Groupe ACCOR
  • Nicolas PRUDHOMME - CEO of the Union Sociale pour l’Habitat