The Eridan and Arc Lyonnais projects
In its decision of 11 July 2019, the CRE gave a favourable response to this proposal. The Eridan and Arc Lyonnais projects were aimed at developing gas transmission capacities in the southeast of the country.
GRTgaz considers that the Eridan and Arc Lyonnais projects are no longer justified as planned due to the creation on 1 November 2018 of the single marketplace and associated infrastructures, the lack of construction of new combined cycle plants in Southern France, and uncertainties linked to the increase in the capacity of LNG terminals and the interconnections with Spain. GRTgaz therefore thinks it unnecessary to incur the new expenses required to continue these two projects.
As a regulated company carrying out public service missions, GRTgaz builds, manages and continuously ensures the relevance of its investment programmes for all market players and for the community. GRTgaz is heavily involved in the energy transition and gas “greening”. Its focus is now on development investments aimed at connecting and transporting the biomethane produced in France. GRTgaz naturally continues to monitor changes in the energy situation. It consults regularly with market players to suggest possible adaptations of its network in Southeast France.