Call for expressions of interest for CO2 Dunkirk

Wednesday 2 February 2023 - The CO2 transport network: the first call for interest in Dunkirk is launched
Source des visuels : Getty images

GRTgaz is launching its first call for the CO2 market, and inviting players on the Dunkirk territory and surrounding areas to express their interest in participating in the construction of a CO2 transport network, a project essential for achieving carbon neutrality in France and Europe by 2050.

Taking up the major decarbonisation challenges of the industrial-port zone

The industrial port territory of Dunkirk alone accounts for nearly 20% of France’s industrial emissions and has equipped itself with a decarbonisation roadmap and an ecological transition plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This objective is dependent, among other solutions, on the development of a CO2 eco-system, i.e. the implementation of CO2 capture, transport, storage and recovery chains, with innovative projects financially supported by Europe and the State, set to be rapidly rolled out in the coming years.

The GRTgaz call for interest: a project in concert with local players

Supporting the emergence of industrial projects for CO2 capture, storage and recovery, and speeding up industrial decarbonisation: this is the objective driving the CO2 transport network project developed on the Dunkirk territory. Designed in concert with local institutional and industrial players, the transport network will make it possible to connect up the industrial sites that capture their CO2 to CO2 storage sites and future CO2 recovery sites.

This infrastructure that will complement the project to develop a hydrogen network, launched in September 2022 by GRTgaz in the same industrial zone.

The new CO2 transport network may be extended to other territories, in particular to link them with the hub set up in Dunkirk and local CO2 development projects and infrastructures enabling CO2 to be sent to geological storage sites in the North Sea and thus contribute to the attractiveness of a decarbonised industrial zone.

The 2 Call for Interest process

The Dunkirk Call for Expressions of Interest is a transparent, non-discriminatory process open to all market players.

It will take place in two phases:

  • A first non-binding phase will make it possible to qualify needs. GRTgaz will then carry out a feasibility study in order to define the appropriate transport infrastructure and to draw up an initial budget.
  • If this non-binding phase confirms the market’s interest, GRTgaz will define the conditions for accessing the structures and decision-making criteria for building them, working alongside the interested parties. Objective: to initiate the second -- and binding -- phase.

During the initial non-binding phase, stakeholders are asked to express their interest based on the elements described in the “Information Memorandum” that supplements the “Infrastructures Proposal” and the “CO2 Specifications Proposal” which can be downloaded below.

>> Dunkirk CO2 Information Memorandum


Infrastructure Proposal

The CO2 transport network infrastructure proposed by GRTgaz will cross the different sections of the port, to the west, at the level of the commune of Gravelines, will pass near the Atlantic basin and the green chemistry zone, following the technical corridors identified by the Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque, then join the center and the east of the port to the site of a former refinery and to the LNG terminal.

This first proposal is indicative. Depending on the feedback from the actors of the territory, adaptations of this route may be considered.

Itinéraire indicatif pour l'infrastructure de transport de CO2
Indicative route for CO2 transport infrastructure

>> Infrastructures Proposal

Technical specifics

The CO2 specifications were designed, first of all, to preserve the integrity of the transport structures in the face of the risks of chemical reaction and modification of the physical characteristics of their constituent materials and, secondly, to guarantee transport to other CO2 transport infrastructures that comply with the final needs.

Any CO2 flow introduced into the CO2 transport grid as proposed in this call for tenders will thus need to comply with specifications in terms of:

  • CO2 quality (composition);
  • Pressure and temperature conditions.

GRTgaz proposes using the initial specifications, on an indicative basis, which are summarised in the document available for download below.

>> Spécifications techniques CO2

How to take part?

Do you have a capture, storage, CO2 port terminal or CO2 recovery project?  Are you interested in building the connection to the future CO2 transmission infrastructure proposed for Dunkirk?

You have the opportunity to express your interest in the project. The expression of interest phase is open from 7 February 2023 until 31 March 2023. If the market responds positively to this stage, it will be followed by more technical sizing and plotting studies as well as definition studies until the end of 2024.

After filling out the online Expression of Interest form, and having signed a confidentiality agreement, you will be contacted by GRTgaz to set out your needs in detail.

To go further:

Source des visuels : Getty images

Decarbonising industry

GRTgaz launches a call for expressions of interest for transporting CO2 in the Dunkirk basin.

Launch of a Call for Expression of Interest on CO2 in Dunkirk

Presenting the call and issues at stake with respect to the energy transition. Interview.