Form: CEI for hydrogen interconnection between the Port of Dunkirk and Belgium



Form to be completed by companies interested in taking part in GRTgaz’s Dunkirk H2 Call for Expression of Interest.


Company information

Company which will interact with GRTgaz as part of this Call for Expression of Interest.
The company name is not valid or the field has not been completed
Address, post code, city
The address is not valid or the field has not been completed
Any additional information
Contact person of the company as part of this Call for Expression of Interest.
The name is not valid or the field has not been completed
Function of the company contact person within the framework of this Call for Expression of Interest.
The position is not valid or the field has not been completed
Telephone no.: Contact person’s telephone no. Required format: ‘+ country code (local code) local number'. Example of a French number: +33146004902.
he phone number is not valid or the field has not been completed

Information on the need for cross-border transport

HCV: Higher Calorific Value ; 1 kg = 39.41 kWh)
Please mention the indicative transport capacity
HCV: Higher Calorific Value ; 1 kg = 39.41 kWh)
Please mention the estimated annual volume
Please mention the estimated date of commissioning
Please choose the flow direction
Free description of the cross-border transport requirement (profile, possible ramp-up of the capacity requirement, etc.)

Information about your project

Please mention the type of project
Concept, Feasibility, FEED, FID, Construction…
Please mention the project progress status
Address, post code, city
Possible additional address
Free description of the project and the desired connection