Results of the 2022 customers satisfaction Barometer

The satisfaction of our customers is at the heart of our concerns. This is why we carry out a survey every year to better understand your points of satisfaction, but also your expectations in order to best meet them and improve ourselves.

The 2022 customer satisfaction survey, entrusted to a specialized external firm, took place in March 2022 according to the completely redesigned model in 2021 to include new issues (energy transition, customer orientation, information system...) with modernized ergonomics.

We would like to thank our clients who took the time to respond. The overall results are very positive and support our efforts. We are actively working to improve on areas that create dissatisfaction for you.

Résultats du Baromètre de satisfaction clients 2022

Results of the 2022 customers satisfaction Barometer

For each completed questionnaire, GRTgaz makes a 20 € donation to the association La Péniche du Cœur de Paris (Les Restos du cœur). The €3,400 cheque that we were pleased to hand in this year will help to finance a part of the substantial renovation work of the barge, undertaken to be able to welcome the beneficiaries in better conditions next winter.

>> Learn more about La Péniche du coeur