CO₂ transmission and geological storage chain

GRTgaz and Equinor announce cooperation on a CO2 transmission and geological storage chain between France and Norway
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Equinor, the international energy company headquartered in Norway, and GRTgaz, the main French gas transmission operator committed to the energy transition, have signed a partnership agreement for the development of a CO2 transport and geological storage project in the North Sea. The ambition is to build an onshore and offshore CO2 transport network and an offshore pipeline linking Dunkirk to storage sites in the North Sea.

Presentation of the cooperation and the projet

By 2029, this project aims to decarbonise the Dunkirk industrial port area, which accounts for around 20 percent of France’s industrial CO2 emissions (more than 16 million tonnes). It will also help decarbonising further areas of France, which will be able to connect to this major infrastructure.

The development will consist in a 30 km onshore pipeline network developed by GRTgaz which will transport the CO2 captured by industrial emitters to a compression station in Dunkirk. From here, the CO2 will be transported by a large offshore CO2 trunkline being developed by Equinor, which will take the CO2 to safe and permanent storages under the seabed offshore Norway.

Equinor and GRTgaz, with their complementary skills, will cooperate in the development of their CO2 transmission and storage infrastructures and associated services: network planning, technical design and industrial safety, interoperability, regulatory aspects and institutional relations. Feasibility studies are currently under way, with the aim of launching basic engineering studies at the end of 2024 and commissioning in 2029.

In France, this project is in line with the proposed government's strategy (France 2030) for the capture, use or permanent geological storage of carbon (CCUS) and with the desire to step up collaboration between France and Norway on green industrial transformation, in accordance with the strategic partnership signed between the two countries on 17 January 2024.

Capture and geological permanent storage of CO2 is a decarbonisation solution that complements gains in energy efficiency and the development of renewable and low-carbon energies. CCUS (Carbon, Capture, Utilization, Storage) is one of the levers of the Net Zero Emission scenario of the International Energy Agency (IEA), which aims to capture 7.6 Gt of CO2 every year from 2050. 

Signature partenariat GRTgaz - Equinor (crédit : Innovation Norway/Eric Vernazobres)
Photo : Innovation Norway/Eric Vernazobres



Sandrine Meunier, Chief Executive Officer of GRTgaz, said: "GRTgaz is developing dedicated transmission networks contributing to transport CO2 from the French industrial sites where it is captured to storage and utilisation sites in France and Europe. Indeed, the capture, storage and utilisation of CO2 will play a major role in decarbonising the national and European economy, and infrastructure is an essential element in this CO2 value chain. We are proud to sign this partnership with Equinor and to share our respective and complementary expertise in order to provide France with an effective and competitive decarbonisation solution".

Grete Tveit, Senior vice president Low Carbon Solutions of Equinor, said: "For industries that cannot decarbonise directly through clean power, carbon capture and storage (CCS) offers a viable solution. By building CO2 storage and transport solutions at an industrial scale together with GRTgaz we can help carbon-intensive industries in France to continue developing and maintaining jobs and value creation. Equinor has nearly 30 years of experience from CCS, and the geology under the seabed of the North Sea can store the CO2 safely and permanently. With the expertise and capabilities of GRTgaz the value proposition that CCS offers becomes even stronger".

Press contact

Chafia Baci
+33 (0)6 40 48 54 40

En savoir plus sur le transport de CO₂ et le CCUS

Source des visuels : Getty images

Decarbonising industry

GRTgaz launches a call for expressions of interest for transporting CO2 in the Dunkirk basin.