Transformation at the heart of GRTgaz’s efforts

Despite the upheavals of the past year linked to the health crisis, GRTgaz’s transition to a low-carbon economy remains on course.
GRTgaz's Raison d'être - cover

The company is fully committed to researching the solutions of tomorrow. Its ongoing transformation can be seen in a number of changes: a Core Purpose, a new business plan, and a redesigned website to give everyone a better grasp of the energy issues facing the gas sector.

Commitments set out in the GRTgaz Articles of Association

Following an extended consultation phase with its stakeholders, GRTgaz added the following Core Purpose to its Articles of Association, which sets out the company's broad aims:

"Together, we enable an energy future that is safe, affordable and climate neutral"

This Core Purpose is a continuation of GRTgaz’s public service role, and it impacts a number of areas (accomplishing the goal of carbon neutrality, merging well-being and performance, co-building the solutions of tomorrow, etc.). It enhances GRTgaz’s legitimacy as an infrastructure operator supporting a hybrid, decarbonized energy system, and it steers the company’s innovation and diversification as part of the energy transition.


Livret de la raison d'être GRTgaz - couverture

Ensemble, notre raison d'être

CAP24: Working towards a decarbonized energy future

As an extension of its Core Purpose, GRTgaz has come up with a new business plan, CAP24, which sets out the company's goals and strategic objectives for 2021-2024. GRTgaz’s key new directions include the rollout of natural gas replacements, and reinventing the professions and practices that make up its teams. The company is working to develop renewable and hydrogen-based gas technologies. It plans to reduce its CO2 emissions by 20% and its methane emissions by a factor of five by 2024. The network’s transformation includes the goal of being a 100% carbon-neutral operator by 2050.