Zero pesticides used in GRTgaz facilities

Necessary steps to comply with this regulation within the specified timeframe.
Revegetation of the GRTgaz Foecy Sect facility (Vierzon) - photo: Vincent Beneteau

GRTgaz plans to stop using pesticides in all of its facilities by 2030. The aim is to integrate its facilities into their natural environment while protecting flora and fauna and limiting plant pollution.

GRTgaz plans to stop using pesticides in all of its facilities by 2030. The aim is to integrate gas stations into their natural environment while protecting local flora and fauna and limiting plant pollution.

This involves:

  • stopping the use of pesticides to maintain our spaces;
  • the increased use of manual and mechanical techniques that are kinder to the environment;
  • developing innovative revegetation solutions;
  • selective weed control.
Revegetation of the GRTgaz facilities - photos: Vincent Beneteau
Revegetation of the GRTgaz facilities. From left to right and top to bottom: 1, 2- Cherré-Au (Sarthe) compressor station; 3- Saint-Claude-de-Diray (Loir-et-Cher) substation; 4- poste de Foecy (Cher) substation; 5- Saint-Gervais-la-Forêt (Loir-et-Cher) substation - photos: Vincent Beneteau – GRTgaz


“In line with the objectives of CAP24, GRTgaz makes a daily undertaking to protect natural spaces and biodiversity while limiting its environmental footprint.”

Jérémy Decovemacker

Reims Network Department (Operations Division - GRTgaz) & “Land planning and landscape maintenance” market technical contact

EGAlim Law

The EGALIM Law was adopted in December 2019. Its aim is to eliminate the use of pesticides less than 20 metres from residential areas and buildings housing sensitive individuals. GRTgaz has taken the necessary steps to comply with this regulation within the specified timeframe.

Find out more about the EGAlim Law

To go further

GRTgaz' work - Hauts de France II - Photo: Laurent Vautrin

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