Call for interest on Hydrothermal Gasification form



Form to be completed by companies interested in participating in the GRTgaz Hydrothermal Gasification call for interest.


Company information

Please mention the name of your entity
Please mention the site address
Please mention your identity
Veuillez mentionner votre function
Please mention your telephone number

Project information

Please mention the name of the project
Please mention the type of project
I agree to have my data anonymised and included in the consultation report presenting the key elements of the sector.
Please accept the data transmission policy
I accept that the name of my project appears in the list of identified projects transmitted to the CSF NSE, the DGEC, the ADEME, the National Working Group on Hydrothermal Gasification (GT GH), BiogazVallée and France Gaz.
I agree to my project’s being included in a national map of Hydrothermal Gasification projects.
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