You sell your biomethane

Biomethane produced in your anaerobic digestion unit can be monetized in several ways: 

  • If you produce under 25 GWh/year: the biomethane can be sold to a gas supplier as part of a purchase agreement, at a purchase price set by the public authorities in the Order of 13 December 2021, for a period of 15 years. This price is pending European notification – inflation-linked indexation should allow for an improved price evaluation. 
  • If you produce more than 25 GWh/year: you can be allocated a 15-year feed-in tariff via the French Energy Regulation Commission's (CRE) tender mechanism.
  • It is also possible to conclude a direct contract for biomethane supply with a gas consumer (BPA).

It is important to note that before signing the purchase agreement, there are several processes that you should complete. For instance, requesting a certificate from the prefectorial authorities granting the right to purchase biomethane, which must be appended to the purchase agreement, and identifying the location of the site.

Finally, projects not benefiting from a feed-in tariff or a tender offer may, if they wish, make use of a new and upcoming system: the Biogas Production Certificate (CPB). A CPB will be allocated to a supplier in return for the purchase of biomethane at a pre-agreed rate with the producer. The robustness of the system is ensured by suppliers’ obligation to provide the State with a set number of CPBs each year. These CPBs should offer a competitive way of financing new biomethane projects.


Catalogue de prestations clients
Commercial brochures

Catalogue of services as of 1 July 2024

Injectez votre biométhane dans le réseau - couverture
Commercial brochures

Inject your biomethane in the transport network