The “ATRT8” tariff
The CRE published on January, 30th 2024 its deliberation approving tariff of natural gas transmission system for GRTgaz and Téréga, the “ATRT8”. The tariff applies from April, 1st 2024 during 4 years with annual updates.
The trajectory defined by the CRE aims to cover the costs of an efficient gas transmission operator, and in particular provides the resources to enable GRTgaz to participate in the energy transition, while also including productivity and efficiency objectives.
The comission sets an average tariff increase of 19% in 2024, following tariff stability during the ATRT7 period (2020-2023). The tariff will then evolve in line with inflation, plus or minus a corrective term, over the years 2025, 2026 and 2027.
In addition to changes to the tariff regulatory framework designed to prepare for the future, the ATRT8 tariff also contains the following new features:
- the evolution of the biomethane injection tariff term, which will be specified in GRDF's ATRD7 deliberation;
- the elimination of congested tariffs