Operational network code
Management of the upstream capacities
B1.1 - Method for determining upstream capacity
- 01/04/2021 - Binding
B3.1 – Conditions of capacity availability at the entry/exit points of GRTgaz's Transmission System outside maintenance periods
- 01/01/2025 - Binding
- Part B3.1 [new]
- 01/11/2024 - Binding
- 01/04/2024 - Binding
- 01/01/2024 - Binding
- 01/11/2023 - Binding
- 01/09/2023 - Binding
- 01/04/2023 - Binding
B3.2 – Interruption of upstream network interruptible capacity
B3.3 – Interruption of upstream network backhaul capacity
- 01/04/2023 - Binding
B3.4 – Buy back Procedure
- 01/04/2023 - Binding
B3.5 – The allocation of capacity between the North-South link and PITS Nord Atlantique and Sud Atlantique
- 01/11/2018 - Binding
Downstream capacity management
C3.2 – Procedure for the interruption of daily transmission capacity on the regional transmission and delivery systems - option 1
- 01/04/2021 - Binding
C3.3 – Procedure for the interruption of daily transmission capacity on the regional transmission and delivery systems - option 2
- 01/04/2021 - Binding
C3.4 – Interruption of regional network interconnection points (PIRR) daily transmission capacities
- 01/04/2023 - Binding
C3.5 – Procedure for the interruption of daily transmission capacity subscribed on optional short notice interruptible service
- 01/04/2020 - Binding
Forecasts - Nominations - Scheduling - Quantities
E1.1-Forecasts Nominations Schedules
- 01/04/2024 - Binding
- Part E1.1 [new]
- 01/09/2023 - Binding
- 01/07/2023 - Binding
- 01/04/2023 - Binding
E1.2 – Scheduling on title transfer points
- 01/04/2023 - Binding
E1.3 – Scheduling except on title transfer points